News and Events

Swim for fitness
Swimming is a sport that can be done at any age. If lifelong fitness is you goal, swimming is your sport!
Photo: JM Pelletier

Swim better
Our coaches can help you improve your strokes by providing you with a detailed analysis of what you do right (or wrong!).
Photo: L Patten

Swim to compete
Participate to challenging events with a group of great people! Here, our team participated to the World Masters Championships in Montréal, along with 9000+ swimmers... We always have some swimmers organizing trips to major events such as the National Championships, World Masters Games, World Masters Championships...
Photo: L Montminy

Swim outdoor
Open water swimming is very popular with our swimmers during the summer. Here, several of our swimmers are preparing for the 2 Miles in Tracadie-Sheila.
Photo: G Boisvert

Swim to challenge yourself
Through our team, you may find partners to train with for long, challenging events. Here, one of our swimmer is finishing the 8km challenge in Tracadie-Sheila.
Photo: L Montminy